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Williamsdale solar farm greenlit by ACT Government

An 11.18 MW solar PV development near Williamsdale, south of Canberra, has been approved by the ACT Government.

The OneSun Capital project will be built by Australian renewable energy firm Elementus Energy, which says it will complete the facility by the end of 2016.

The 29 hectare solar farm had faced some community opposition over its original location on land adjacent to the Uriarra Village, but the project will now be built on farmland near the Monaro Highway and Angle Crossing Road.

Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman, approved the development using his ministerial “˜call-in’ powers, which allow him to assess and approve a development application if it is deemed to be in the public interest.

I made the decision to call in this development application due to my view that this solar farm will provide a substantial public benefit to the Canberra community,” said Mr Gentleman.

The approval of the solar farm includes a number of conditions to address community concerns. These include requirements to reduce glare, both during operation and construction, to provide appropriate landscaping, and to ensure that sufficient bushfire management measures are in place.

“Naturally we are very pleased with this outcome, and delighted that the Minister has personally recognised how significant this project is for the Canberra region,” said Ashleigh Antflick, Managing Director of Elementus.

“We are now on a well-defined pathway, and with the continued input of critical stakeholders such as ActewAGL, we will deliver the project before the end of this year.”

Once completed, the solar farm will provide enough electricity to power more than 2,500 homes.

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