Presented by The Institute of Sustainable Futures in conjunction with the Australian Alliance to Save Energy, the event will take place from 24 to 26 February at the Novotel in Manly, New South Wales – bringing together leaders from business, government, research institutions and consumer groups.
Local speakers comprise:
- Mark Speakman, NSW Minister for the Environment
- Gerard Reiter, Executive General Manager of Asset Management at TransGrid
- Brian Byrne, Manager of Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) at the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
- Jonathan Holmes, former presenter of ABC TV’s Media Watch
- Paul Ryan, Director of EnergyConsult
- Daniel Waters, Carbon and Energy Management Officer at Gosford City Council.
International speakers include:
- Martin Bornholdt, Managing Director of DENEFF, the German Business Initiative for Energy Efficiency
- Steve Nadel, Executive Director of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
- Anne Arquit Nierderberger, Vice President of Government Affairs and Market Development at Enervee
- Kateri Callahan, President of the US Alliance to Save Energy
- Phil Sellwood, Chief Executive of the UK Energy Saving Trust
- Andrea Trianni, Assistant Professor at Milan Polytechnic.