Three companies have been awarded $200,000 each to install discounted battery storage in the ACT as part of the state’s $600,000 Next Generation Energy Storage Pilot.
The companies are SolarHub, ActewAGL Retail and ITP Renewables.
“The companies were chosen using a competitive grants process, which drew keen pricing for the supply of batteries. With each company receiving $900 for each kW of sustained peak output that the battery provides the government expects approximately 200 battery systems to be installed. This would equate to a discount of $2,700 for homeowners on a battery that can provide 3kW of sustained peak output,” said Simon Corbell, ACT Minister for the Environment and Climate Change.
The pilot will inform future auctions for distributed energy storage, as the ACT Government prepares to support 36 megawatts of energy storage to be rolled out across more than 5,000 Canberra homes and businesses between 2016 and 2020.
“By committing to support battery storage in this early stage of its entry into the market we want to open the door for the ACT to lead research into high-penetration renewables and attract international and national companies and research leaders into this developing space,” Mr Corbell said.
Households and businesses interested in installing a discounted battery storage system have been directed to contact the grant winners directly.