Australia, Policy, Projects, Renewables, Solar, Storage

QLD reveals plans for Local Renewable Energy Zone

energy efficient, energy bills

The Queensland Government has announced plans to establish a Local Renewable Energy Zone pilot project in Townsville.

The initiative, part of Premier Steven Miles’ first budget, aims to triple solar rooftop generation and democratise access to renewable energy.

Queensland Energy and Clean Economy Jobs Minister Mick de Brenni said the LREZ project will put control of energy into the communities hands.

“This initiative, which has been championed by local members in North Queensland and the Smart Energy Council, is only possible because collectively Queensland owns their energy distribution system,” he said.

“This exciting LREZ initiative, which is the first of its kind in Queensland, puts everything on the table, including more affordable power, access to the benefits of rooftop solar for renters, innovative network solutions. But the one thing it won’t put on the table, is the LNP’s plans for privatisation of Queensland energy assets, or the harmful, radio-active waste the LNP plan on dumping up and down Queensland’s pristine coastline.”

The State Government has allocated $40 million for the Townsville Local Renewable Energy Zone (LREZ) pilot project, which is set to commence in January 2025.

The project will deploy up to 8.4 megawatt (MW)/18.8 megawatt-hour (MWh) of battery storage and support an additional 2.8MW of solar PV, along with 0.9MW of demand management.

The LREZ concept is designed to allow households with rooftop solar to transfer excess energy generated during the day into local batteries.

This stored energy can then be distributed to additional households during peak evening hours, benefiting those who previously lacked access to cheaper solar-generated electricity, such as renters, vulnerable customers, and residents of unit complexes.

The government’s funding package includes $3 million dedicated to optimising behind-the-meter customer assets, including solar PV, batteries, home energy management systems, and dynamic connections for the Townsville LREZ pilot project.

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