For Installers

Solar Business Profile: SolarHub

EcoGeneration chats with Benn Masters, Director or Canberra-based company SolarHub.

Solar salvage and PV recycling

There are more than 23 million solar panels installed in Australia, but what’s going to happen to them when they reach end of life?

Optimise your O&M Procedures with Improved PV Asset Management

Implementing a solar plant dashboard for reduced Operation & Maintenance (O&M) costs and increased profitability. By Lior Handelsman
Electric Vehicles, Renewables

The road to mass market EV adoption

Electric vehicles still only represent a tiny part of the automotive market, but all that is expected to change in coming years. CEO of RoofJuice Australia and keen EV rider Nigel Morris gives a personal view of the factors working for and against EVs in Australia.

CEFC and Westpac launch $200 million loan program

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation has teamed up with Westpac to offer low-cost finance to support local investment in solar, energy-efficient tech and low-emissions vehicles.

Unlocking the energy internet

As Photovoltaic continues to gain popularity a big issue still remains: PV cannot generate electricity at night or as well during cloudy periods.

EVENT UPDATE: Australian Energy Storage Conference and Renewable Cities Australia Forum

Simon Hackett, Executive Chairman of Redflow, has been announced as opening panel speaker at the 2016 Australian Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition, to be held at Sydney’s Australian Technology Park on June 1-2.

UNSW sets new solar world record

A solar cell configuration developed by engineers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has pushed sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency to 34.5 per cent – establishing a new world record for unfocused sunlight.

Danny Kennedy on “Clean Energy 2.0”

Once quoted as saying the world needs five Elon Musks every decade, activist-cum-solar entrepreneur Danny Kennedy talks to EcoGeneration Associate Editor Sonia Nair about being a clean energy entrepreneur in the US, and how Australian businesses can capitalise on the advent of ‘Clean Energy 2.0’.

Full steam ahead at White Rock Wind Farm

Work has begun in earnest on the $400 million, 175 MWWhite Rock Wind Farm west of Glen Innes in New South Wales.