Clean energy the answer to Australia’s climate question

A target of 100% renewable energy by 2030 would demonstrate the Coalition is serious about delivering action on global warming ahead of the federal election, writes Clean Energy Council CEO Kane Thornton.
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Investor tool reveals what it takes to profit from wind, solar and storage

Investors who think all solar and wind farms are pretty much alike will get a sharp shock if they access a new online platform which shows the wide variance between the 150-odd assets around the country. To make money (or not lose it), they need to know what’s driving those differences.
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ARENA’s Darren Miller on what’s proven and what’s worth a shot

There has to be a way to push the cost of solar 70% lower, the ARENA chief says, as surely as there are effective methods to capture and store carbon. But exporting hydrogen...?
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Clean Energy Salary Survey 2021

As the world slowly realises the primary task of the century is to decarbonise electricity generation, renewables workers will be in hot demand. The Bradman Recruitment-EcoGeneration Renewable Energy Salary Survey 2021 shows how they fare in Australia.
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