Making Australia a renewable energy exporting superpower

Politicians around Australia are proposing ambitious plans to export renewable energy from Australia, using high-voltage power lines laid under the oceans. But will this work? Our research is investigating
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Clean Energy investment tops $20 billion

Renewable energy and storage projects adding up to more than $20 billion of investment have now been committed across the country, according to new figures released by the Clean Energy Council. The CEC
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The verdict is in: renewables reduce energy prices (yes, even in South Australia)

Does renewable electricity raise or lower electricity prices? There is more to this question than meets the eye: are prices lower before or after renewable subsidies are recovered, how has variability
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The people have spoken…and it’s time to start listening

The Victorian election result should be a warning to all political parties that voters expect a strong clean energy policy in the upcoming NSW election, the Clean Energy Council said in releasing a package
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