Clean Energy Workforce, Jobs, Policy, Renewables, Solar, Transition to Renewables

Apprenticeships scheme supplying Australia’s future clean energy workforce

The Federal Government’s New Energy Apprenticeships Program is addressing the clean energy skills shortage by providing incentives for Australian workers and their employers to join the renewables sector, writes EcoGeneration editor Gavin Dennett.

With Australia committed to its 43 per cent emissions target by 2030, and net zero by 2050, the nation is full steam ahead in its transition to renewable energy. The past 12 months has seen the enactment of crucial sustainability policies dedicated to shaping a clean energy future, as well as the announcement or commencement of several renewables megaprojects.

While Australia’s clean energy industry is booming, its infrastructure network is fighting hard to keep up. With that has come a significant skills shortage as the sector scrambles to find workers to fill the thousands of new renewables jobs being produced. Without a skilled workforce to drive the clean energy revolution, achieving the country’s climate target is at risk.

To help address the skills shortage, the Federal Government has introduced the New Energy Apprenticeships Program, an incentive scheme designed to encourage more Australians into renewable energy vocations. Under the program, apprentices across 40 occupations in the clean energy sector are eligible for $10,000 during their Australian apprenticeship.

Since the program launched in January 2023, uptake across the nation has been encouraging with prospective workers drawn to the financial incentive and the opportunities the clean energy sector bring.

“It has been welcomed by the clean energy industry,” says a spokesperson for the Apprenticeships Policy Branch at the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

“We just passed our 1000th new apprentice milestone, which is a big achievement. A lot of the uptake has been in industries such as electrical, which is encouraging.

“There is a lot of interest from apprentices compared to the other apprenticeship payments. This is a much higher level of incentive [in this program]. It is pushing forward the clean energy industry and addressing the skills shortage.

“The Australian Government is invested in building the clean energy workforce and its pipeline of skilled workers who can deliver on net-zero commitments.”

Another attractive component of the New Energy Apprenticeships Program is mentorship, a peer support system that will launch in the second half of 2023. It is designed to build links within the sector, help apprentices understand their industry, and allow them to receive support and real-world training and experience.

“It is important to have a strong mentoring system with peer support and networking events to build relationships across clean energy industries,” says the spokesperson.

“It is currently being finalised by tender so that will kick off in the coming months.”

To be eligible for the New Energy Apprenticeships Program, aspirants must be:

  • Undertaking a Cert III, Cert IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level qualification listed on the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ Australian Apprenticeships Priority List.
  • Training towards a vocation identified as a clean energy occupation on the Priority List.
  • Employed by an organisation in the clean energy sector, with most work conducted in clean energy.
  • Willing to sign a declaration stating a commitment to building skills in the clean energy sector.

“There are 40 occupations on the clean energy apprenticeships Priority List, which looks at all the trades and personal care work occupations that are in demand,” says the spokesperson.

“It is informed from analysis from Jobs and Skills Australia, the body established to provide government with advice on skills and training needs, and workforce development needs. Their advice shapes the next phase of the New Energy Apprenticeships Program.”

The program also offers employer incentives to take on clean energy apprentices, including the Priority Wage Subsidy paid at the following rates:

  • 10 per cent of wages paid to the apprentice for first and second 12-month period (up to $1500 per quarter).
  • Five per cent of wages paid to the apprentice for the third 12-month period (up to $750 per quarter).

“The New Energy Apprenticeships Program is specifically targeted at apprentices, but their employers are also eligible for broader incentive programs for taking on an apprentice in a priority occupation,” says the spokesperson.

“The focus now is to get the mentoring program up and running for the first year and then there is always room for improvement.

“Given new energy occupations are still emerging, there is potential for future reviews to ensure the program is tracking well.”

Aspiring apprentices wishing to take part in the New Energy Apprenticeships Program can visit the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) at to find a support network provider in their state or territory.

“People who are interested in signing up to become a New Energy Apprentice should contact Australian Apprenticeship Support Network providers in their location,” says the spokesperson.

“For people who don’t already have an employer, they are the best people to chat to in the first instance.

“These AASN providers are the ideal contact point and are responsible for liaison and administration related to taking on an apprentice.

“They help employers and apprentices understand their rights and responsibilities in relation to the apprenticeship, and work with state governments to register apprentice training contracts.

“AASN providers are a conduit between the employer, the apprentice, state governments and the Federal Government. They can help work out whether apprentices are eligible for whatever program they are interested in.”

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