A high-tech abattoir in Gladstone will provide 95 hectares of solar panels, capable of generating 78 MW of electricity or almost one third of the sites total electricity needs.
According to the QLD government they the abattoir will also deliver 308 construction and 335 operational jobs after Queensland’s independent Coordinator-General approved the development application for Asia Pacific Agri-Corp’s $308 million project.
Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said the project; to be built by the Asia Pacific Agri-corp in the Gladstone State Development Area (SDA) will be the first of its kind in Australia.
“Once fully operational this cutting-edge facility will be capable of processing 2,400 head of cattle per day ready to cater for growing demand for Australian beef,” said Dick.
“A further energy efficiency measure includes the development of an on-site 33MW hydrogen plant to service the abattoir’s boiler.”
Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Mark Furner said the development stood to benefit local farmers.
“The abattoir, processing, packing and export facility is proposed to incorporate the latest and most advanced technologies used in meat processing plants, including the incorporation of robotic systems,” he said.
“These technologies will enable the Asia Pacific Agri-corp to adopt an innovative paddock to market supply chain arrangements, sourcing cattle directly from farmers and tracing product to the market.”
Member for Gladstone Glenn Butcher said the facility will make its way through the Port of Gladstone to international markets enhancing Gladstone’s reputation as a place to do business.
“The Gladstone State Development Area supports economic development in a very efficient and environmentally sustainable way by co-locating industries together and making better use of infrastructure,” he said.
“Equally as vital is the fact that this development will open up massive job increases for labourers in the Gladstone region by providing employment to dozens of non-trade occupations such as cattle workers, fork lift drivers, and other processing workers.
“The development will also open up positions for administrative workers, and will offer export trade employment and training, and it is overall an extraordinary opportunity for Gladstone workers.”
Queensland’s independent Coordinator-General has placed 29 strict conditions on the project ensuring adverse emissions, such as noise, dust and odour will not affect residents.
Asia Pacific Agri-Corp will next undertake detailed design prior to starting construction.
“A key advantage of an SDA is to promote economic development and growth adjacent to ports and around good transport facilities, such as major road and rail networks,” said Dick.
“Earlier this year the Coordinator-General conducted community consultation on the proposed project that was fully supported by the Gladstone Regional Council.
“Some secondary approvals are required for the project to commence, including approval for operational works by Gladstone Regional Council and Environmental Authority permits from the Department of Environment and Science for the meat processing and irrigation activities onsite.”